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We just got our lane blown out. The Contrarian got out to do a bit of shopping for me. He discovered that the alternator is bad and needs replacing. He would have done that today, but for the fact that another FREAKIN’ SET OF STORMS IS COMING!

Yep, we are expecting a few inches tonight, 1-4. But Tuesday night we are talking FEET. Everyone is being very sly about where, and who, and how much. Cowards!

So my shopping this week is off, and it will be bread and water by Thursday. Well, not quite that. More like simple meat, potatoes and frozen veggies. This winter crap is getting OLD.


Don’t know if you saw yesterday’s humor post. It was a lot of fun to do, and frankly I could do a blog only on The Blaze and it’s merry band of misfit dumbos. If you liked it, let me know and I’ll do it as a regular or semi-regular feature. I did that one on only the first three pages of a ten page list of comments. These people are simply mad as hatters.


Speaking of which, and I’m not speaking of a witch or which either, but that’s by the by, whatever by the by means. Words are strange, especially when grouped together. They have secret sex I think and become odd “sayings” that have no inherent meaning.

Be that as it may (you see my point), I was thinking the other night about “if I could. . .” Now that would make a good post don’t you think? “If I could. . .put Sarah and Michele and Christine and Sharron in a cabin in the woods for a month with lots of hidden listening devices. . .I would!” Do you have any “if I could” ‘s?


Political Irony has a new list of late night funnery. Do go see if you want to laugh a bit.


The way I see it, the reason the GOP is ultimately doomed is that it is caught in a three-way, and much as they seem fun at first, they usually prove disastrous in the long run, frankly in the shorter run. First ya got your true blue GOPers. These are the old-fashioned types, Colin Powell is an example. Believes in reasonable social legislation but conservative fiscal policy. Then there are the RINOS, sometimes more liberal, sometimes more self-serving. They can blow any number of directions depending on their philosophy, but mostly because of their desire to preserve their own power.

Then factor in the Teabuggers. These come of two flavors, both of them relatively crazy. One wing are libertarians who want to slash and burn and care zero about social welfare. The poor be damned, lower taxes and let the market govern. The other wing, mouths a lot of fiscal conservatism, doesn’t understand a bit of it, (neither does most of the other wing frankly), but they wet themselves over abortion, gay rights, and their new gods, the FF’s. All is seen through a biblical lens of their own interpretation.

How to marry these three? Beats me, and it’s apparent that the cracks already exist in the menáge e trois. A don’t see a future that can work for them.


Remember CPAC? That meeting which every righteous Republican, certainly every Presidential hopeful attended? Be there or be square as they say? Well, people are bailing on CPAC this year like it carries the plague. Latest to bow out is newly elected Marco Rubio. He follows DeMint, new BFF of the teabuggery clan. Most all the “good” people are now out. The GOP speaks out with clarity: WE DON’T LIKE NO GAY PEOPLE. Yes, the marginalizing party, becomes marginal.


The Blaze ran a piece about a California man arrested with a car full of “high-end” fireworks, making threats against Islam in the parking lot of a mosque in Dearborn, Michigan. Nothing much to report, except that the commenters query whether he is “left-wing” and whether he might have been “delivering the fireworks to Muslim extremists.” Also, much discussion on the relative minor character of the fireworks. Want to imagine what they would have said should a Muslim have been arrested in a Christian church parking lot? I leave it to your imagination. Crooks and Liars has a good story on the “left-wing aspect.”


I saw this over at Joe.My.God. I just had to steal it and print it here. I laughed till I nearly croaked!


Andrew Sullivan has a great piece you should read. I have often found myself saying that I wish the left had a “Fox” of its own. But I don’t really mean that. I mean, I want a strong independent media voice that speaks truth based on thorough and fact driven investigation. To have a Fox of our own would mean that thinking and discourse would even further deteriorate. The point is, that although I liked Keith Olbermann a lot, I was also aware of his being over-the-top and making more of a story than the facts warranted. The crazy right never seems to see that in their pundits. Not even a little.  Read Sullivan’s post, it’s a good one.


What’s on the stove: spaghetti and meatballs, salad