

Taken from jennybinder.blogspot.com/2008/03/ice-storm-ph

Taken from jennybinder.blogspot.com/2008/03/ice-storm-ph

We had another ice storm. Actually it wasn’t a really bad one, and we didn’t lose a lot of tree limbs from weight. We had mostly what one would call a heavy misting of sleet which still managed to coat everything quite nicely and make walking and driving treacherous at best.

Which all goes to say, that I didn’t make it to church again yesterday. That makes three weeks in a row now. This is starting to be a serious problem for me. We can get out okay in terms of the snow now, but the ice of course made the idea of attempting to run nearly 15 miles on blacktop a very dumb idea.

To make matters worse, it only got to about 15 degrees yesterday. We had enough wood for the day if we were judicious in it’s use, so the house was quite cool. To me it wasn’t cool, it was downright cold and I was dressed with a robe over that. I spent nearly the entire day sitting on the couch with two afghans on me.

This situation really wears on me terribly. I don’t even want to read, let alone do anything else. Getting even a part of the body out from under the covers results in chills soon. I get bored, and finally I get depressed. The Contrarian takes all this as his fault and doesn’t know what to do. He is like the commercials for anti-depressants, the “family members who are depressed because their loved one is depressed.” I thank them for reminding me that I send my misery to others. That sure helps!

I want to give a huge thank you to a lady who lives in Paris and visits my blog from time to time. She picked a lovely time to visit, and left a very nice comment about blogging and feeling the pressure to visit everybody and leave comments. It helped me a lot. I think you might like her blog, so do stop by and visit at http://omywordblog.blogspot.com. I know that I will be a regular visitor after reading a couple of her excellent posts. Paris! now there is a place I know I shall never visit in my life, but I truly wonder what it must be like to live there. It sounds oh so exotic.

Today, things look a little brighter. First of all, it’s warmer, and the Contrarian has gone out and gotten more wood, managing only to fall once, which delighted the dogs who thought he was getting down to play with them. The ice has mostly melted off the Bronco. I’ve done my treadmill and read some from my art history book and also worked on my recipes. That last is coming along quite nicely, though my hole punch has decided to not work any more. Later I’ll get some knitting done. I’ve got pizza dough rising and the sauce made for pizza today.

All in all the answer to mild depression like mine is to just put your head down and push through I find. It is definitely wrong to sit and brood. Yesterday it was just too cold to move, and it drove me deeper and deeper downward. Today, I saw my chance, realized the house felt much warmer and I bulled on forward. No doubt the exercise such as it is releases those endorphins and you emotionally feel better.

In any case, I do feel better today. I am still put out about missing church. Barbara had e-mailed reminding me of a inquirer’s class she was running for the next 4 weeks. She had asked me if I would attend to kind of help out with the conversation since it was a small group. I feel bad about letting her down, but as I said, it would have been foolhardy to attempt the drive.

Another fellow at church also contacted me about helping to teach a class on Paul in February. I’ve gone ahead and ordered the book from Amazon, but worry about accepting, given my travel issues in the winter. I’d hate not to be able to make it on the Sunday I’m scheduled to present. Sigh…what to do, what to do. I’ll have to call him and see what he thinks.

Anyway, that’s where I am today. Hope your day is going better or at least as good. I know many in the US are having worse weather issues than I am, and I do realize that I am quite blessed over all. That doesn’t always help keep away the self pity however. But I am trying my best!

Blessings to you all.

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