
I am a truly blessed person, for Border Explorer has gifted me recently with a lovely award, one that is very meaningful to me. I enjoy writing, and as most of you know, I am a bit of an endless talker. More than once, I have started a post with very little to say, and yet, 1500 words later, I’m nearly done! Perhaps that’s not necessarily a good thing, since I tend to over verbiage and thus violate the rules of good writing. Issac Asimov was a great one for being clear, simple and concise. It is a method I don’t often emulate.

In any case, please be suitably impressed as I humbly show you my new award!


As with all such awards, certain requires attach. Here are the rules:

  1. Pass the award on to 5 others
  2. Link to the giver, in this case Border Explorer above.
  3. Display the award as you see above.
  4. Link to this Post, which explains the award.
  5. Link through that Post and add your name to the list of recipients.
  6. Post the rules as you see here!

Now of course, to the hard part of giving the award to new recipients. That is difficult since Border already chose some of the people I would normally choose myself. But I have a couple in mind at least that have earned this accolade.

The first I choose is Angry African on the Loose. If you have never had the pleasure of reading his blog, you are missing something. Gifted as both writer and thinker, he has a way of making you cry, laugh, and think deeply no matter what the topic. He simply has a conscience and never fails to remind us our of responsibilities as human beings.

Next I choose Straight-Friendly. Again, this is a really great little blog. Tim takes a short phrase from the bible and writes a short reflection. They are always deeply moving, intellectually challenging, and sweet. You really won’t go wrong if you need some emotionally uplifting by stopping by daily to read his words. He is a masterful writer, thinker, and all around nice guy.

Our third recipient is DistributorCapNY. Now if you haven’t had the pleasure of reading DC’s blog, beware. He has a delicious sense of humor and a wicked wit. He can frame issues as broadway plays and the next day as a new comic book. He talks about all kinds of things. I first recall his tags were humorous, then the posts themselves would knock me over. If you haven’t visited so far, do so.

Lastly I would like to honor Jeannelle at Midlife by Farmlight. Jeannelle, in the months I’ve known her, has grown into an accomplished blogger. She talks about mostly farm things, but she has the uncanny ability to draw significance to all of us from very everyday things. She is quickly becoming a really great photographer too. Sitting down to read her blog is like a nice coffee break with benefits!

I know, I’m supposed to choose five, but I wanted to especially honor these four and so I did!

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